Gift to Book: Editorial Strategies of Object Poems
Chloe Hogg  1@  
1 : University of Pittsburgh

This paper attends to the publication regime and editorial strategies of object poems, in which the poet ventriloquizes an animal, plant, or object, as well as poems associated and presented with objects in elaborate gifting exchanges. Alain Génetiot in his study of mondain poetry underscores how these literary practices participated in the noble economy of the gift or the pot-latch. I am interested in how the gifting economy of literary and social coteries interacts with the growing commercial world of the book. Tracing a selection of poems through their material and print histories, I interrogate the publication of texts in/with objects and the publication of objects in/with texts. What can these publishing objects can tell us about the concept and activity of la littérature galante in the context of the burgeoning seventeenth-century commercial print culture?

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